Bernard och Bianca
Disney+ Credits :
Transcription :
Character's Name |
Voice Actor |
Bernard |
Hans Lindgren |
Bianca |
Margareta Sjödin Sharon Dyall (2002 additional recordings) |
Penny |
Pernilla Glaser Norea Sjöqvist (2002 additional recordings) |
Madame Medusa |
Meta Velander |
Mr. Snoops |
Jan Nygren |
Orville |
Lars Amble |
Rufus |
Olof Thunberg |
Ellie Mae Ella-Maj |
Kerstin Wolgers |
Luke Lukas |
John Harryson |
Gramps Farfar |
Sture Eriksson |
Deadeye Kanin |
Jonas Bergström |
Digger Mullvad |
Claes Dieden |
Deacon Owl Uggla |
Gunnar Ernblad |
Chairman Ordförande |
Åke Lagergren |
TV Reporter |
Jonas Bergström |
Land Lady Markvärdinna |
Katarina Strandmark |
Microphone voice Mikrofonröst |
Katarina Strandmark |
Swamp Animals Träskfolket |
Katarina Strandmark Mona Andersson Jan Sjödin Sture Hovstadius Åke Lagergren Charlie Elvegård |
Soloist Sång |
Wenche Myhre |
Technical Credits :
Occupation |
Person's Name |
Director Regi |
Doreen Denning |
Translation Översättning |
Doreen Denning |
Producer Producent |
Mari-Anne Barrefelt |
Recording |
An-Marie Ekfeldt Lars Klettner |
Dubbing Studio Inspelat |
AB Europa Film Studio |
Swedish Version Svensk version producerad av |
Svensk Filmindustri |
Trivia :
- Premiere : 12/02/1978
- Re-release : 03/25/1988
- Wenche Myhre also recorded the songs in Danish and German.
- Pierre Isacsson (Narrator of the LP read-along), died tragically at the young age of 46 as he was aboard the M/S Estonia on the night of her sinking, September 28th 1994. (Source)
- Håkan Serner, Jan Sjödin, Brasse Brännström, Nils Eklund and Sven Lindberg all auditioned for the role of Bernard, Hans Lindgren got the role as Doreen took him in as a last minute resort after Disney disapproved the voice tests of the other actors. (source : OSIS)
- In 2002, some additional recordings were done as some scenes were not dubbed in 1978 due to censorship. Meta Velander reprised her role as Madame Medusa, Hans Lindgren reprised his role as Bernard, Norea Sjöqvist voiced Penny, and Sharon Dyall voiced Bianca. These additional recordings were directed by Kristian Ståhlgren. (Source : Kristian Ståhlgren)
I would like to thank Leo Löfgren-Roberts for contributing to this page. :)